William James and the deepest South


Public : Enseignants-chercheurs prioritaires / Ouvert aux étudiants de M2 de la Faculté de droit sur inscription

Date : jeudi 13 février 2020 / 9h
Lieu : campus de Jacob-Bellecombette, salle 300

The purpose of this talk is to approach the relationship between William James and his philosophical initiation from the point of view of his participation in the Thayer Expedition (1865-1866). Knowing that his former Harvard professor, the renowned Swiss-American scientist Louis Agassiz, was looking for volunteers for a scientific expedition that would cross Brazil to the Amazon region, James volunteered, hoping to hone his naturalistic skills. The hypothesis is that James’s contact with the transatlantic winds compelled his first pluralistic effort, pursued through sensitive impressions obtained during the trip to Brazil and being followed by a clear theoretical dimension registered in his first publications.

Conférencier :

Alexandre F. Mendes, Professeur à la Faculté de Droit de l’Université d’État de Rio de Janeiro – UERJ.

Il est l’auteur de l’ouvrage Vertigens de Junho: os levantes de 2013 e a insistência de uma nova percepção (Revan, 2018). Il a publié, avec Bruno Cava, les ouvrages suivants: A vida dos direitos. Violência e Modernidade em Foucault e Agamben (Agon, 2008) et A constituição do comum: antagonismo, produção de subjetividade e crise no capitalismo (Revan, 2016)

Contact : Motahareh.Bollon@univ-smb.fr